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Tot Trot day in Summit

 June 4, 2000

Chris and Ingrid Innes's kids are adorable.  And combine Kayla with the rest of the children from Summit, and the tot trot is a day to remember!

Click on the thumbnail to see each full-size photo

twins1.jpg (263251 bytes) twins2.jpg (277200 bytes) kaylacloseup.jpg (292463 bytes)
Ethan & Tyler 1 Ethan & Tyler 2 Kalya up close
tony.jpg (295073 bytes) firetruck.jpg (283334 bytes) race2.jpg (192642 bytes)
Kayla & Tony Kayla explores the firetruck Ready . . .
race3.jpg (179795 bytes) race1.jpg (177734 bytes) race4.jpg (187205 bytes)
Set . . . Go! And then really go!
finishline.jpg (290525 bytes) ingrid.jpg (214670 bytes)
Monica catches Kayla at the finish line
(and don't miss the smile on dad's face in the background!)
A Kodak moment